Is it Done?

How do you know when something is done? The deadline can be a big help but what if there’s no real deadline? My most recent personal painting seemed to drag on. Part of the reason why was life events taking priority, part of it was perfectionism, part of it...

WorldCon 2016

MidAmeriCon 2 (WorldCon 2016) has come and gone. I had a lot of great experiences and conversations. One such experience was a conversation I had with a wonderful jewelry artist and writer. I asked her a bit about her creative process (her piece titles are wonderfully evocative). One particular...

The Creative Process

What I mean by creative process is the process used by anyone who’s making something or finding a solution. This evening I’ll be participating in a panel discussion titled “Creative Process Across Disciplines” at CONvergence.  (Sorry, you’ll need a membership for the convention to check out the panel). It’s...

Autumn Green Man Process

Here’s a bit on the process for the Autumn Green Man. After discussing the project via email, I did up a bunch thumbnails. The client got to see these two which I thought solved the challenge in a way closest to what we discussed. Then I did a tighter...