New Art on Dura-Lar

For my most recent project I’ve been drawing on Dura-Lar. It was suggested by another artist who has had excellent results with the stuff. I’m using the .005 matte film. Like with the vellum I used for previous projects, I drew my lines on one side and am building...

Real vs. Believable

While in art school I desperately wanted to learn how to make things look real. One of the instructors said to me on several occasions, and I’m paraphrasing here, “is it (the drawing) believable”? Lately this idea has come to the foreground for me and I’m questioning what “believable”...

Windmill Limbs

Here’s a look at the tools of gesture drawing applied to a picture instead of isolated at the drawing co-op. I love it when the gesture in the thumbnail version conveys the idea I’m trying to communicate. Sometimes it gets lost along the way and I have to find it again.  ...

The Magic Pencil

When starting out many artists hunt for the magic pencil. We read books on what the “masters” used. We ask artists more experienced than us what pencil, brush, plein air box, brand of paint they use. I think this is because we’re looking for the “right way” to make...