Portrait Practice – Color Experiments

Colors used for this head study Perylene Black (Winsor & Newton) Yellow Ochre (Winsor & Newton) Permanent Yellow Light (Rembrandt) Permanent Red Medium (Rembrandt) Permanent Magenta (Winsor & Newton) Permanent Alizarin Crimson (Winsor & Newton) Untramarine Blue (Utrecht) The white was either Utrecht White, or Flemish White by Utrecht....

Head Study in Oil – Trying Out Colors

In an effort to see for myself what different colors and paints do and decide what I like, I’ve been experimenting. For this head study I tried Rembrandt Sepia, Gamblin Flake White Replacement, and Gamblin Chromatic Black. This combination also gave me a chance to concentrate on values (more...

Online Drawing Practice Resource

Nothing beats drawing from life, but let’s say you live out in the middle of nowhere and are sick of drawing yourself and your surroundings. Or maybe you need something during the week, between that weekend drawing co-op you like to attend. Perhaps you’ve tried the good ‘ol internet...

Portrait Study – Transfer the Drawing

This is a follow up from last week’s post about my portrait study using Russian Sauce. I went back in to the drawing with a fat tortillion and smoothed out the background. I’m liking it much better. Next I transferred the drawing to a prepared canvas panel. Materials Used...

Portrait Practice

I’ve been studying Valentin Serov’s portraits. He was a Russian artist in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. I love his dancing, searching line mixed in with bold marks and wanted to experiment with that. A few Saturdays ago I had some extra time and got to attend the...