WorldCon 2016

photo of ornage and black butterfly on sidewalk by christine mitzuk
Butterfly I saw on somewhere in Iowa our way back from Kansas City, MO.

MidAmeriCon 2 (WorldCon 2016) has come and gone. I had a lot of great experiences and conversations.

One such experience was a conversation I had with a wonderful jewelry artist and writer. I asked her a bit about her creative process (her piece titles are wonderfully evocative). One particular tidbit from that conversation keeps replaying in my mind, and I’m paraphrasing here, that we’re reminded a lot of what we’re struggling with so it’s helpful to have a reminder of where we’re headed, what we’re striving for in our creative work. A talisman of sorts. Many writers feel inspired by a piece of hers and end up feeling propelled to create something from it. I also felt that from several of her pieces. I think this is something I’d like to explore. I’m not sure how yet and I think that’s just part of the process.

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